Tuesday, April 5, 2011

...And The Sun's Out!

Just a brief note, folks.

April 30th is my due date for the releasing of chapters. Top on that list is Enigma of Time (potentially two chapters; one on April 30th, the second on May 1st) and To Unmask a Sunrise (three here, released on April 30th, May 1st, and May 2nd).

I will also be unveiling the sequel to Sticks, Stones, and Ice Cream Cones: Mending Old Bones May 3rd.

The Prodigal Seer and I have been working on an unnamed SSHG story as well as an Sevitus fic titled Beyond Hoping. That will be released shortly as well.

I am also looking for a new beta. If anyone happens across this blog post, and can beta (and please, please, please have written something decent before), give me a shout at sevvy.shigeki@gmail.com or shigeki@rocketmail.com.


Saturday, June 26, 2010


Okay, no, I'm not actually dead.

I've been having a severe case of writer's block...so that's why you haven't heard anything from me recently.

I feel obligated to tell you why, so here goes:

first of all, the whole month of May I had exams.
then the last week of May I was in Washington D.C.
the week after that, I was sick for about a week and a half.
then I had my wisdom teeth taken out.

and I've also got some other personal problems, which involve a falling-out with my boyfriend (even though he doesn't quite know it yet) and some university issues.

so...yeah, I've become quite claustrophobic in the last few weeks, and it's been stifling to my creativity.

I'm about 20% done the next chapter of EoT, 50% of TUtS, 50% of MOBs, and I had to strip down most of my new SS/HG because it wasn't giving me satisfaction. As of right now, my new SS/HG has the most priority...because it's the most interesting.

...stupid basilisk.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

So Much

Remember that git I mentioned earlier? The one who wants to guilt-trip me into being his friend again? Yeah, he's back, and he's up to his old games again. I wish he'd go get social behaviour classes, or go join the monkeys. Oh, pardon me, monkeys, didn't mean to insult you, I just meant that you'd have an easier time killing him than I would.

Despite my own problems, I find myself feeling rather petty, and feel as if my problems are often relegated to the bottom of The Worst Problems Ever stack. It's the amount of deaths my friends have faced over these past few weeks. Just today, my friend mentioned that a family friend's wife had only one day to live, and we talked about it. And now...she's gone. You know, despite my faith and knowing there's a better place in store for those who have gone by, I can't help but feel that sense of loss. Loss for those who have lost a loved one, but also loss for the one who has gone ahead. She'll never get to see her children grow up, or her grandchildren. It's a bit disheartening.

Anyways, just wanted to let you know Chapter 3 of The Enigma of Time is up, and I'm still working on Chapter 7 of To Unmask the Sunrise. It'll be up this week.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Second Chance

The new year always bring about a sense of resolution for change. This year, though, I felt...lethargic. I seem to have become so numb I don't care about anything anymore. It's an odd feelings, especially when I can't explain to my parents why I almost failed biology. Or why I don't care anymore.

I don't even feeling like going out of the house anymore. It seems almost a chore to go out, and I feel better by myself. I've turned into a hermit, I swear. I think a part of me feels that if I go out, I can't be judged, and at home, I'm alone to be who I want to be, not who others want me to be.

My ex-boyfriend has moved on to be with the girl he liked while dating me. A part of me wants to congratulate him, but another part can't help but feel hurt.

Creeper has moved on. I'm really happy about that. Stalker has stayed about the same, but I never see him anymore because he's sick or something. Another good thing. Bad thing? There's a girl who likes me. Yep, a girl, even though I've told her I'm straight half a billion times. I guess you don't choose who you like, right? It's really getting on my nerves though. I mean, if she really does like me, shouldn't she respect my wishes? So for now, I've resorted to having an imaginary boyfriend called John who lives in Niagara. Lovely.

All this time I've been trying to run away from these problems (by writing...), but when I fall asleep at night, they all come rushing back. The only good thing for you, dear readers, is that you get more to read.

I'm working on Chapter 7 of To Unmask the Sunrise right now...words don't seem to come out as smoothly anymore in this fic. But don't worry, I'll plow on.

I started a new fic, The Enigma of Time. I've written more words in three chapters of this fic than in seven of TUTS. Check it out, I think I'll be updating that one more frequently.

I've got the first six chapters of Mending Bones (I might change this to Mending Old Bones...) outlined already, but I think the sequel will either start now, or it'll come out the end of May. I'm looking at May, just because I know this semester won't be easy.

Anyways, see you later,

Saturday, December 12, 2009



I haven't written in quite a bit. I've been busy, you see.
Caught some virus that left me bedridden for a week. Totally not fun, not to mention, it's hell trying to catch up with work.

Those guys I like? don't like them anymore. One's just a friend, the other one's a jerk. I swear I'm never going to date a jerk again. ever.

So I'm almost done Sticks, Stones, and Ice Cream Cones. There's only two chapters left. One's a big shocker, the other one will be a ender and a transition into the sequel.

I've posted up To Unmask the Sunrise on potionsandsnitches.net. It's a bit different from my fanfiction.net, but only because I found a bunch of errors and things. Anyways, I've got 3 chapters up, but there's a lot more coming. I have a whole bunch of ideas for this one. Well, for one, it's going to be a trilogy, or a series. Not sure which so far, but I'm aiming to end with Harry in his early twenties. That's at least seven years to write, folks. Can't wait, can you?

Unfortunately for you, I won't be able to update because my week consists of:
Monday - History Test part 1, Geography ISP due, Biology Test, History Thesis Statement Due
Tuesday - History Test part 2, mock UN Assembly
Wednesday and Thursday - prep for Group 4
Friday - Group 4 Project is due

Definitely not a good week. Oh, well. I can guarantee that SSICC will be over before the New Year, and TUTS will have at least 1 chapter up before the New Year. Maybe I'll even write a Christmas one-shot for SSICC. I'll have to see. =)

Peace out,

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

news update.

SO. Sticks, Stones, and Ice Cream Cones is almost finished. Should I write a sequel? Answer me on my profile page! http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1761763/

I've also started a new fanfic, called To Unmask the Sunrise. Harry is older in this one, and Snape is his old snarky self. I changed Severus a bit last time (because he's a lot younger, and a little less bitter, what with a youngster), and I feel I want the challenge of writing a mean, volatile Snape.

But that won't be coming any time soon...until I've finished this darned paper. I've got two sections and a bit left (which I have to write in 2000 words). You can probably expect updates either the end of this week or next week. Maybe I'll put up my paper just for fun (:

anyways, that's my update for today. See ya later!


Saturday, November 7, 2009


I am so screwed. It's not even funny. My mentor wants my 4000 word paper by Tuesday...and I have a whole bunch of assignments due.

Geography: CIDA advertisement (I've decided to do a powerpoint instead of a video.)
History: THIRTY primary sources due, plus my preliminary work Tuesday. Oh. and TEST.
English: We have to do an essay in Orwellian style, which means...I have to a) find a topic, and
b) write it.
Biology: thank God I have nothing so far. But I have to finish a lab in the upcoming week, and
there's a test the week after.

and I have a retreat with my church next week, so God knows where I'm going to find the time. =(

on a lighter note, I think I've got crushes on TWO guys. who does that? apparently me. hah! but I know I have to focus on school, so gotta forget them...for now! can't wait for uni!
